Originally posted by Tango1:
The Israelis lost 2 Merkava IIIs recently in the West Bank/ Gaza strip operations. Seems that they were hit by a command-detonated bomb in an ambush. Of cos', no tanks are invulnerable. The point is, MBTs are vulnerable in a FIBUA situation; and given the terrain

we are operating in, a Bionix light tank variant seems more plausible. Important thing is manoeverability and some decent firepower. Anything better than the SM1s we have now...
As said, a 120 gun is kinda big. Better a 105 main gun. Like the M551 Sheridans...could even launch Shilegh (sp) AT missiles from it...
105mm rounds might not penetrate PT-91 armour. The 120mm armour piercing rounds are more likely to penetrate most known MBTs. As for against soft targets, even the 75mm rounds used by the SM1 are sufficient.
Why is there such a big misconception that MBTs are not suitable for FIBUA or any urban scenarios? In fact, MBTs are great roadblocks and provide good protection for dismounted armoured infantry or foot soldiers. Had the US deployed MBTs in Somalia, we wouldn't have seen such tragic "Black Hawk down" scenarios.
The Israeli also successfully used their MBTs in the 1980 invasion of Lebanon. The PLO, which only have armed soliders and light vehicles were no match for the Israeli armoured forces. The Israeli also ended up doing tank vs tank fighting against Syrian tanks in Beruit and other Lebanese towns.
Another reference, watch the mini series, Band of Brothers. You will know the value of tanks in build up areas.