I got a strange dream.. I don't know if it is a day dream on Sunday 17 April or is it something
real happened... WHAT ON EARTH IS HAPPENING!!!
I saw 3 angels in white hood and I hid myself in the cupboard. Strangely, the feeling is very weird... don't feel evil presence... just feel myself kinda dirty and unpure in their presence.. emanated from them is like clarity of good ...
They spoke babbling something here and there... sometime can hear.. sometime cannot hear as though it is out of human hearing freq.. then after that they begin speak english ??
They said something like this :
“We are who we are, that I am who I am. We have been here since the beginning when humans begin to form intelligence. In the past we have appeared to mankind in their same forms, passed on medical science knowledge to them as deemed useful for them at that time and as much they can learn and to able to develop on their own. Humans thought us as gods or God, write their scriptures and in time all the words just re-written by human imaginations. As humans become intelligent, humans due lack of capability to grasp understanding dream of religions. All we do is to direct humans indirectly to conceive good ones to acquire empathy and to disapprove conception of evil religion. We curb the natural diasters in the backstage without leaving our presence. Because you all are not ready to meet us. We know Budhha, we told him to spread his wisdom. Those days monks self-sacrifice love to burn themselves to stop wars, and we thought the day of enlightening has finally dawned on humans, but it is not. Till now you learnt about nuclear, you still have not learnt true empathy. What is the point of believing in karma, when actually you do not believe? Whatever truths you think you know, they are not even the iceberg and I afraid to tell you that most of the imaginations of the truths are quite wrong .. yes even Buddhism you so call. Now Annunakis are coming and in fact some has already arrived. They are treacherous and barbarian with evil religion. Our planet and many others have been destroyed by them, after they rip and enslave. They will tell you they come in love to share with you the 4th dimenion awakening, your DNA will be transformed from dual to triple and blah bullshits. They have been making some crop works. We have warned humans many times before. The problem of humanity is not some dimension opening of your consciousness. Annunaki are quite high consciousness no-self beings, but that does not mean them are good. Many of us remanents have left and we are also leaving earth. Good luck, be not deceived. If you are not deceived by your own fallacy and people can unite in empathy, half the battle is won.”
Better not believe in some dna magical pill. There are no short cuts for enlightenment as well as ascension.
Dark force exist all the way up the dimensions til 6D. They get progressively deceptive and powerful and have spiritual understanding as well.
All is already no-self... but karma will still kicks in when the conditions are ripe.
Better just silently be aware of our own inclinations/thoughts/emotions and not be overtaken by baits of greed for power, desires, etc.
To be frank, I do not think you are telling us the 100% truth. Not even 70% accurate.
Have you verify the identities of the 3 angels in white hood? Do
you hear 3 voices while you are hiding in a cupboard? Do you have a
voice recorder in your dream? Beings of Light do not lie.
"As humans become intelligent, humans due lack of capability to grasp understanding dream of religions".-> This is a mistake, Man's origins is Spirit (7D) light-sound beings(highly intelligent). Also, the Atlantean priest-kings are real examples of intelligent humans that do not lack the capability to grasp spiritual knowledge/understanding.
Next, the Annunaki are etheric and celestial beings (5D-9D) from the planetoid Nibiru. Their consiousness is certainly higher than an average human. If they come in love to share with us the 4D awakening, then it is a joyus celebration to us. Please dismiss the distorted perception that: "They are treacherous and barbarian with evil religion. Our planet and many others have been destroyed by them, after they rip and enslave."
Next, most of the crop circles are done by Pleiadeans (4D) who are here to help in stabilizing the electro-magnetic fields on Earth, NOT by the Annunaki. However, it is true that our friends from the Galactic Federation are here to help Earth "behind the scenes".
Next, transforming from 3D to 4D being is a natural evolutionary process that will certainly involve celluar mutations and DNA activation, it is not "bullshit".
Lastly, the so called "dark forces" on Earth do exists. When you become aware of their existence, please bless them, pray for them and send them light to help them wake up.