er edit yur signature leh... signature cannot put image one....
somemore your link is go to hotmail one..
dun have yur password + id, cannot see one....
anyway YA i wan the T-shirt.
ah bo we do like this lah, put arai logo, then put each others' name/nick loh.
then like wanna add wat logo oso can.
got a lancer club (izzit SMC?) in SG did that b4, each t-shirt customised wif each person's nick etc.
chik chik...
Donny ar
i also wan tat T shirt leh
each person need to pay how much
can gif details asap...
Hey Donny,
I also wan one of the t-shirt leh...
can include me also...
den tell me the details asap can....
eg,how much,size these things...
10s alot leh
Ride safely n fiercely....
not a problem...but then maybe we nt putting name lo..some of the admin dun like having name on the shirt..maybe we will put our nick on it..( yet to comfirm )... everyone also can buy one lo...if wan must buy more then cheap lo..if a few onli maybe we will cancel this ideas lo...the price is yet to cfm but then we will be getting the t-shirt gfrom malaysia..
#Arai admin
k for ur info, the T-shirt i make for my bikers for touring last time. each cost RM$38
so S$ is ard 18++ ..
but for my case we add in quite a num of LOGOs. so this cost.
On sunday i and donny will go in to do liao.
Mostly we will choose White or BLack COlour.
for size , got most of the size
unless u are like DINOSAUR.
who wan i think have to come out on sat to pass the money to DONNY (zipboy)
that all ,.
okie....maybe we meet on sat then ur can pass mi the money...i collect abt $20 first lo...if got left i return to ur when i pass ur the t-shirt...
free to call my hp n ask if got any doubts...
#Arai admin
by the way,wat's the design of the shirt?
wat logo will be on the shirt...
the size is go by s,m,l or by numbers 1...
Haizz...mi no bike liao do liao also not use ley.....wait lar, if mi go buy skipper liao then mi go make miself...LOLLLLLL
leong me also no bike mah.. aiyo....
juz for channel arai onli..
i also thinking. dunno wan or nt..
FOR ur info REPSOL_SP the size go by S>M>L>XL
Wu Di Shi Ji Mo De
Yozzzz.... What a nice idea abt having a T-shirt.....Count me in on this....Bro u should know my size.....
4Stokes rules the world.....Mess with best and die like the rest....................This is a computer generated letter,no signature is required.
eh so how the shirts coming along?
chik chik...
for the T shirt if u guys reli keen on making one. pls set a time and location for it....
Wu Di Shi Ji Mo De
if onli admin in #Arai is supportive abt it the its not a problem anymore...but then not all supportive abt it
#Arai admin
Donny neber mind if it's only the few of us that is supportive....Go ahead in making the T-shirt lor....Make for those who want only lor...The rest no reply dun care abt them lar...They always like that one like gals....This one cannot,that one cannot...
4Stokes rules the world.....Mess with best and die like the rest....................This is a computer generated letter,no signature is required.
i wan leh...
chik chik...
okie i will go malaysia to looking at the design of the t-shirt first..then maybe i take a digital foto of it n post in online then ur see if ur wanna buy or nt okie..coz i scare not all ppl like the way i design ma...=)
#Arai admin
Bro keep me inform abt this ler....Best can do black colour one....
4Stokes rules the world.....Mess with best and die like the rest....................This is a computer generated letter,no signature is required.
Bro how's the shirt coming along???
4Stokes rules the world.....Mess with best and die like the rest....................This is a computer generated letter,no signature is required.