I can never trust this good friend of mine to take any of the pictures.
Simply because she
likes going out of focus with the camera and ends up taking the picture of the background instead of the supposedly objects/people.
The pictures taken by her all turned out to be
abstract pieces, one can never quite understand the content of the photographs. Brilliant! And I take my hat off her. Hahaha.....She can Pisses me off
SO much yet finding her
Extremely funny.
Wat a
Blur Queen she is.
On the flip side of it, she always manages to
blur her Life through and people around her adores her for that.
Like her pictures, this abstract quality in her makes her lovable.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^There are many ways to view this Life we are leading....
through the lens of a camera taking the different perspective views of Life. Similarly, to feel with one's heart and seeing things using different perspective points of views. Look not on the
shortcomings of a person but explore the
virtues in a person. Discover the
Beauty deep within....
"Abstract the essence out of the Ordinary"