Yo Yo Yo!
VisioHack is in the Building!!!!!! This forum looks cool! Welcome everybody in the house! Oh ya.........serious anouncement, I as the
"Competition Director", u hear that Shadow_R.........
would like to propose a tag team "couple bowling competition at the end of the season. On top of the original "Pinstrikers' Championship", we have this "couple tag team competition". Heres how it is.
Each couple team (must be bf & gf, husband & wife) will be bowling a total of 2 games to determine the final team champion.For the first game, the guy will bowl the first throw and the gals will do the second and the reverse sequel for the second game. The team whom got the highest total score will win the championship.
This competition is to enhance the relationship of the couple, also to determine the level of mutual understanding, generous forgiveness between the 2.
Hence the rules are....
1) No cursing and swearing between each couple if one or both did not performed as expected
2) No overly affectionate behavoir even if he/she amazed u with his/hers unexpected performance.
3) No coaching or any form of guidance when he/she is on the lane.
Couple who are interested, please registered your team (team name) with Alvin. Russ, please think of some form of prizes suitable for this event. I personally will be sponsoring a cash prize of $100 in COLD HARD CASH! for the winning team.
p/s ...Any form of suggestions or comments are welcome. Closing Date for the registration is on 8/9/2002. Thank You!