Hi i'm Bastiaan
Black Tower in the darkgalaxy game.
Activity: Very good
I'm playing darkgalaxy from round 3
Round 3:
very late start: galaxy 26 but finished with rank 182 (name: Dark Hartog)
Round 4:
playing with dark-empire: big batles whit ceots (my name: Black Tower)
Round 5,6:
Playing with goodfellas: bad round, we where the losers, a lot of figter buggers (my name: Red Albatros)
Last round:
Playing with Lightfeet as Freedom fighters: in galaxy 1, 1500 turns fighting with onix, we lost that round but we killet around 20 onix members.
This round:
Playing with Lightfeet as Freedom fighters: litle batles with dalcom but i have still a strong batle fleet. (my name: Black-Tower)
My quest: is it possible to join you???
Sorry for my bad englisch.
greetings bastiaan