Today PA got performance at Singapore Conference Hall LOL.
PAssion Card up to 4 tickets have discounts
I reckon Durex has to re-adjust Singapore's rating...
so many scandals and yet so low rating ? how to believe.... ?
Congratulations, pay and pay party forever, huat ah!!!
Who is next?
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:Today PA got performance at Singapore Conference Hall LOL.
PAssion Card up to 4 tickets have discounts
What kind of performance? Drama on the affairs????
Originally posted by SJS6638:What kind of performance? Drama on the affairs????
Title is
call 63405531/63405219 to book tix
Originally posted by SJS6638:Congratulations, pay and pay party forever, huat ah!!!
Who is next?
WP again?
Originally posted by SJS6638:What kind of performance? Drama on the affairs????
Singaporeans very stressed @ work
we need "some form of entertainment".... .
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:Singaporeans very stressed @ work
we need "some form of entertainment"....
If they follow suit, no need ''form of entertainments''
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:WP again?
Asking who is next from that pay and pay party.
Injecti some excitement .. . . . .. . if not so boring ................ topic always centre around money and foreigners ............
Originally posted by the Bear:who the fuck is Ah Pwee?
If by election, incumbent party wins by a higher margin than previous GE, does that mean that residents support affairs by MPs?
Originally posted by charlize:If by election, incumbent party wins by a higher margin than previous GE, does that mean that residents support affairs by MPs?
What a brilliant question!!! A valid one.
Don't you know it is a trend to be in affairs for politicians, it happens all over the world. Now the pay and pay party is following the trend. Not bad la, 跟得上潮�
Just kidding /
why alwasy must vote first then do job. why not let a 2 ministers one pappy ine hippo do first the the residence rate whichone they should vote? this program can start at this constituency. all parties field one candidtae to serve residence together. then see wh do better, then he / she gets the vote. like that everyonece in a while now and then we can vote noneed wait until GE
Originally posted by SJS6638:What a brilliant question!!! A valid one.
Don't you know it is a trend to be in affairs for politicians, it happens all over the world. Now the pay and pay party is following the trend. Not bad la, 跟得上潮�
Just kidding /
I think all Singaporeans want is lower coe, hdb and general prices.
And better paying jobs.
And they want to get back their cpf when they retire at 55.
Is that too much to ask?
Originally posted by charlize:I think all Singaporeans want is lower coe, hdb and general prices.
And better paying jobs.
And they want to get back their cpf when they retire at 55.
Is that too much to ask?
Govt will think it is too much to ask for if in the country the govt is focused on profit making. lower coe, hdb flat prices and general prices they will have much less revenue. Much lesser revenue cannot maintain or sustain their super highest salary.
Get back CPF at 55 means they will have lesser $ to invest.
Question is people or pay and pay first???
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:Singaporeans very stressed @ work
we need "some form of entertainment"....
wat is this thead abt?
PAssion card.
This thread about adultery affairs tou qing .........
Most threads don't make sense.
Very common.
we are losing money every now and then. and have to patch upwith increases taxes all over the place.
Originally posted by SJS6638:This thread about adultery affairs tou qing .........
adultery, wish them
alamak , times r bad still wan spend n spend for by-election
perhaps gud excuse for not havin it
Times bad for all people except them laa. They huat everyday.